
Nicklas Jörnås - Customer Claims Manager

Get to know our problem solver and fixer Nicklas Jörnås ~ who has worked with us since the start in Varberg in 2001.

Its hard to put ONE title on Nicklas. He is, among other things, our property, claims and training manager. It is Nicklas who fixes most things here at Scanvo. Among other things, he has contact with the National Motor Industry Association, DAF and all our fantastic customers. And sometimes he is out tinkering in the workshop...

- I really love that my work is so varied. I have had the privilege of following Scanvos fantastic journey since 2001. Despite the fact that we have grown so much, I really think that the company has managed to maintain the family feeling. There are still low thresholds and a very unprestigious feeling, says Nicklas, who has been involved in all of Scanvos major events - such as the construction of the workshop and the new premises.
Nicklas believes that there are a few different things behind Scanvos growth.

- From day one, the level of service to our customers has been of the highest priority and that mindset is in the backbone of the company. Scanvo has always had great faith in the future and bought a lot of vehicles, which has led to quick deliveries to customers. Then when we got our own workshop - we were able to meet most of the needs that the customers asked for.
Despite the fact that Nicklas has worked here for over 20 years, he says he has no plans of moving on.
- I feel a lot for Scanvo and it is a company that really cares about its employees, he concludes.

Age: 59 years
Family: Partner, five bonus children and five bonus grandchildren.
Does on a day off: I have a lot to choose from! Gardening, ride my motorbike, hunt in the forest or take a fishing trip with the boat.
Would brings to a desert island: Some kind of tool, an ax or a knife.
Favorite food: Fresh home-caught lobster!
Listens to: Audiobooks.
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