
Allan Andersen - CEO

Get to know our fantastic CEO, Allan Andersen! For Allan, the motto has always been to work hard but never to compromise on the joy of working.

I dont know how many times Ive been in client meetings on a late Friday evening or during the weekend – especially during the first startup years. In the beginning, you really had to fight for every deal, and you were constantly hungry for the next opportunity. It was truly a great time, and the best part is that I still find it equally enjoyable to go to work – more than 20 years later, says Allan.

He moved to Varberg in August 1999 to become a salesperson. But when the truck company he worked for closed down two years later, things felt uncertain. He took the chance to become part of starting up Scanvo. In 2004, Roland Poulsen came to Varberg as an apprentice to eventually become a truck dealer. Nowadays, he is also a co-owner and the vice CEO.

We are a family company, and the camaraderie among those of us who work here is strong. We have had a positive development every year and are constantly evolving. We always want to renew ourselves with the latest technology and with new offers and solutions. In recent years, we have, for example, been very active in new areas, such as horse trucks and we have a major focus on the DAF brand. With our fantastic workshop, we really have a great overall solution that our customers truly appreciate.

With a strong foothold in the market - good customer relationships and job satisfaction are at the top of Allans priority list: We care about each other at work, and for me, the most important thing is that the staff are doing well. When it comes to customer relationships, the same principle applies as on day one. Great respect for all people, no customer is too big, and none is too small. We are flexible and family-oriented dealers to rely on, says Allan.

Quick facts about Allan:
Age: 46 years old.
Family: Wife, three children and two dogs.
Does on a day off: Spending time with my family and playing a game of paddle tennis.
Favorite food: Anything Italian, a good filet mignon with béarnaise sauce also goes down well.
Prefers to listen to: Podcasts or audiobooks, preferably biographies.
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